Encourage your friends and family with lyrics from your favorite songs you hear (and sing along to) on K-LOVE Radio with the ever-growing selection of K-LOVE Stickers. For moments when a glimmer of hope is needed on a gloomy day, these stickers will help you speak life.
Quick tips on installing and using Sticker apps:
Open the K-LOVE Stickers in your iMessages: Tap the App Store button next to your compose box in your iMessages.
At the bottom menu, select the K-LOVE Stickers app.
Use the K-LOVE Stickers: Once you’ve decided what sticker you’ll use to encourage your friend with, you’ll Tap it once to send as a message. If you tap and hold down a sticker, you have the option of dragging and dropping the sticker on a text, bubble, another sticker, photos or videos as well as expanding or shrinking the sticker.